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Groundwater Sustainability Act makes for Public Input... according to the report states that the District hopes that long-time water gurus attend meetings to share their expertise and advice. For more information and minutes from prior meetings visit East Contra Costa County Integrated Regional Water Management Plan.

The State Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Recognizing the importance of groundwater and the consequences of overuse, a package of bills addressing the sustainable management of groundwater in California was approved. Collectively, these bills are the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).

Our Local Groundwater Basin is known as the Tracy Subbasin. It stretches from Antioch and Bethel Island, through Oakley, Brentwood, Knightsen, down through Discovery Bay, Portions of San Joaquin County and the City of Tracy. Groundwater from the Subbasin is a vital component of our water supply, along with water from the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers that reaches us through the Delta.

SGMA took effect on January 1, 2015, and requires all groundwater basins designated as medium or high priority by the Department of Water Resources to be sustainably managed by the year 2042. The Department of Water Resources' designated the Tracy Subbasin as medium priority based on several factors, including population, number of wells, irrigated area, and groundwater conditions.

Collaborative Groundwater Management Planning in the Tracy Subbasin. To ensure long-term sustainability of the groundwater basin, the District has formed a Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA). The District’s GSA is collaborating with GSAs formed by other water suppliers within the Subbasin to create a joint Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). The GSP will be in compliance SGMA.

The GSP will be in compliance with SGMA. To learn more about the Sustainable Groundwater Management Planning for the Tracy Subbasin, please see the dedicated website for it at

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